Friday, January 15, 2016

The Instruction Manual

  Welcome all, I'd like to start today off with a few questions for you all.
  1. Would you like your quality of life to improve? Even your physical health?
  2. Would you like to see your marriage improve?
  If you answered yes to either of the above questions, I encourage you to continue reading. If you said no, I ask that you continue anyway and pray that I can change your mind.
 The simple answer to all of them is simply the Bible. I cannot make it any clearer. If you want to know how to live a life that's God-honoring you have to read your Bible. Especially if we are claiming to be followers of Christ. We should be delving into God's Word on a daily basis.
 "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15

   Let me begin by saying that diet and Christianity go hand in hand. How is this so? Well first off, both your physical and spiritual well-being are a huge part of your over-all health. It also comes down to discipline; generally if you are disciplined in faith it will be easier to be so in the health aspects of your life as well. What does the Bible actually say about diet? Well, let's look at the Jewish diet in the Old Testament. My favorite example is that they were not allowed to eat pork, for it was unclean or 'not kosher'.
 "And the swine[Pork], though he divide the hoof, and be clovenfooted, yet he cheweth not the cud; he is unclean to you. Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcase shall ye not touch; they are unclean to you." - Leviticus 11:7,8
  The World Health Organization has actually come out and said now that eating pork causes cancer. How is this possible? Well, pigs do not sweat; hence, why they wallow in the mud. Well, due to this fact they do not release the toxins from their body as we do (yes people, it's healthy to sweat). Thus when we eat pork the toxins are transferred to our body. There is more to it than that but it's too lengthy of a topic to get into right now. As a Christian man, I do make an effort to practice what I preach. My diet is disciplined and I have chosen to not eat pork to benefit myself and my family. And believe me, I feel better than I ever have.

  I'll touch briefly on marriage, as I have already done posts on this topic which I highly encourage you to view.
  Marriage was designed by God for one man and one woman. A marriage that is founded on Christ shall not fail.  Now this doesn't mean that there will not be trials in your marriage. However, it does mean that two evenly yoked people founded on Christ will easily be able to over come such hardships. No marriage is perfect, seeing as there is always room for improvement. Even in my own marriage. And yes, my wife agrees with me.

  Long story short, we need to read the Bible. We need to be delving into God's "Instruction Manual" on an every day basis. It is by doing this that we can discover all the aspects in our life that need change and growth.

  Thank you for stopping by and may God bless you all,