Wednesday, December 30, 2015

"The Night Before Christmas - From A Thinker's Perspective"

Hello all,

  Again it seems like it has been so long since my last post. It has been busy around the Faulkner household, as we've been prepping for our first child to arrive.
  Since Christmas has just passed, I thought I would share a little poem written by my father-in-law to get your minds running. I am aware that this may offend, but I ask all who read it to keep an open mind. Who am I kidding? All of my post have the potential to offend... But anyway, here it is:

Twas the night before Christmas and all thru the street,
Not a Christian was celebrating, nowhere did they meet.
No stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
'Cuz they knew that St. Nicholas would not be there.

See, these children aren't lied to at all as they grow.
'Cuz their parents are Christians, the Bible they know.
For those who aren’t sure, God's word makes it clear,
"Thou shalt not lie", the good Lord we do fear.

Now, for those who proclaim "Jesus is the reason",
You must search the scriptures, fall was the season.
For Luke the physician made it abundantly clear,
The shepherds were in the field at that time of year.

Another interesting fact, the reader may note,
Six months past John the Baptist, it's wrote,
Jesus was born at the harvest, you see
Early October, most scholars agree.

So, what's the big deal, why all the fuss,
To celebrate His birthday, with presents and such?
The date may be wrong, but we're not sinning you know.
Well, let's search the scriptures to see if it's so.

Jeremiah makes it clear, chapter 10:2 thru 4,
"Learn not the way of the heathen", lest you He ignore.
So, what about birthdays, what does His word say?
Matthew 14:6 thru10, Herodias had her way.

So, why do we celebrate, how'd we move so far astray?
The Catholics are to blame, as they Christianized a pagan holiday.
Do the research, what you find might seem odd,
December 25th is the worship of a Pagan Sun God.

If this is true, and history tells us it is,
Do we continue celebrating and claim "ignorance is bliss"?
Or, do we choose to be separate as stated in God's word,
And live an upright life pleasing to the Lord.

Whether a Christian or not, you can be assured,
The merchants of this world will be sure that you're lured.
Millions spent on advertising by the powers that be,
Tempting the world with greed through radio and t.v.

So what about family, goodies and lights?
By all means fellowship and enjoy every bite.
Just keep in mind as you end the year,
The real reason for the season has now been made clear.

  My beliefs on Christmas (and most holidays in general) are somewhat different from most of the world's today.  The reason behind my acquired beliefs would result in too lengthy of a post to get into for now.  But, for those who are curious to delve deeper into the topic, I will include an educational, mind-opening documentary on the subject.

  "Truth or Tradition" by Pastor Jim Staley (duration 1:52:42)

  God Bless & have a safe and Happy New Year,


  1. Congrats to your father-in-law for turning out a catchy poem. I get it; however we were guilty of the "lying" to our little ones about Santa. We struggled with it and eventually explained to them why Christians may disagree on this. I think it's a tricky subject to be dogmatic about (not the geography or season; and we certainly can't determine the exact date), regarding whether to "do the Santa thing" for little kids. As long as you (as a sign we put up every Christmas states), remember Jesus is the reason for the season and raise your family with that understanding, Santa or no Santa becomes secondary. Good to hear from you again Andy. Happy New Year!

    1. It is nice to hear from you as well. Although the exact date can not truly be determined, most Bible scholars agree that Jesus was born in late September to early October, as the shepherds were still in the fields with their flocks that time of year. Regarding that 'Jesus is the reason for the season', I must politely disagree. The Christmas season has become far too commercialized and paganized (Christmas was actually illegal to even celebrate in America from 1659 to 1681 due to it's pagan roots and didn't become a federal holiday util 1870)and now revolves more around that. With that said, the argument is always "Well, that's not what it means to me. I use it as a way to worship God." The problem I have with this statement is that we are now worshiping God how we feel fit. When throughout the Bible, from Old to New Testament, God makes it clear how He wants His children to worship Him. How can we, as Christ's followers, be living a life in harmony with the Bible if we are celebrating today's paganized holidays, where in the Bible God deliberately commands us to abstain from them?

    2. Hey Andy. I think our dialogue on this subject proves it's problematic nature; especially if the original point is expressed in brief rhyme. I think we are both misunderstanding the other.
      - are you positing that Christians shouldn't celebrate the birth of Jesus at all, or only if they do it in Sept. or Oct.
      - Christmas has gone from illegal to a national holiday; that just tells me that our pagan nation (make no mistake, we are a pagan nation), is confused about the meaning behind the season (whenever that season may be recognized).
      - the birth of Jesus IS the reason for the season. Even unbelievers can tell you that; the fact that the season as properly interpreted being about goodwill toward all, peace on earth, and recognition of the greatest gift of all (Jesus), has been misinterpreted to focus on gifts, visits, shopping, etc. does not alter that. You could make the same argument regarding much music having "pagan" roots, but unless you don't listen to music at all, you could be in danger of enjoying "pagan" worship.

      Jesus is the reason we aren't all burning in Hell for eternity. And He is certainly the reason there is any goodwill on earth; no matter what the season.

      This is good; iron sharpens iron!

    3. Hello Dan,
      To avoid another lengthy comment, I recommend that you view the link I aforementioned (I'll leave it again below).
      This video will give you all the information you need for a clearer understanding of the point I am trying to make.
      God Bless,

    4. Short and sweet. Please research before you promote someone's views. The man is going to prison for defrauding folks of millions. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Check this link; he's as wacky as Mark Driscoll!
      Sorry Andy

    5. Dan,
      I included the link to Pastor Staley's video only because it supported the topic I was trying to explain. Sharing his video in no way shows that I support him as a person, only that I agree with his views. My views on Christmas were made from in-depth studying of the Bible. I stumbled upon Staley's "Truth or Tradition" one day and was impressed that his opinions on Christmas were the same as mine (and God's, for that matter).
      I was also aware of Staley's prison predicament. Yet again, just because I agree with some of his sermons does not mean that I agree with everything he does or believes in. We all have our areas that need growth. Not one of us can have it all right. However, I believe that this man has been blessed with the correct knowledge on holidays that so many Christians seem to lack these days.
      God Bless.
